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FELT - Rennrad & TT

Weitere Felt Rennräder, die wir Ihnen natürlich auch anbieten können, finden Sie direkt auf der Felt Homepage


AR                                                          ab CHF 2'599.-

In the battle against the wind, the AR Series continues to be a world leader.
Designed and developed in the wind tunnel, the AR outperforms the competition in aerodynamics, weight and stiffness. The result is a bike that conquers the wind as well as the peloton.


 Z2 DiscZ2 Disc  

Designed for a gran fondo, endurance rides, or a road race, the 2016 Z Series is Felt’s most versatile road bike. The geometry puts the rider in an all-day position without compromising performance and handling. The longer wheelbase gives this bike a stable riding platform while still maintaining responsive handling characteristics, resulting in a line ideal for epic adventures and races alike.
